Believe it or not, the moment pictured above may very well have not happened if Simeon did not know Bible prophecy. But he did. God sent the angel Gabriel to give Daniel insight and understanding about his people and the city of Jerusalem.
Gabriel actually gave Daniel an amazingly specific prophecy-the exact date when Israel could expect their Messiah! No religious book but the Bible gives prophecies and has a hundred percent track record of them being perfectly fulfilled.
Simeon reads Daniel's prophecy regarding the coming Messiah and his response after doing some computation and realizing the time was near was to pray and ask God to preserve his life until he could see the "consolation of Israel.
The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would not die before he saw the Lord's Christ. On the day Joseph and Mary came with the child Jesus, the Holy Spirit led Simeon into the temple. Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God.
Bible prophecy isn't meant to scare us, but prepare us. Knowing what God says about the future of this earth, the rapture of those who've put their faith in Jesus, and the 2nd Coming of Jesus will give you confidence and hope for your future.
Also, like Simeon, what God promises us about the future invites us to pray. As I see the world being prepared for the antichrist's rule, and so many other signs the Bible predicts will happen, I am moved to pray for those who I love who have refused the offer of eternal life.
Unlike Simeon, I know that with my own eyes I will see Jesus. I don't need to pray for myself. If you know Jesus as your Savior, neither do you. But those who are unsaved need our prayers! The time we have left to pray is growing shorter. Now is the time for asking. There really are lives that hang in the balance!
So ask! Ask for salvation; ask for preservation if your loved ones are going to see the great Tribulation. Only super-natural power will preserve anyone, so ask!